Egypt prohibits harassment of tourists.
A plea for Egypt!

Pyramide (Quelle: Dennis Andresen)
As the British newspaper "The Guardian" reports, the Egyptian parliament has passed a law that criminalizes harassment of tourists.
If Egyptian bazaar traders and sellers are caught torturing tourists excessively and obtrusively, that can result in a punishment of up to 10,000 Egyptian pounds.
If Egyptian bazaar traders and sellers are caught torturing tourists excessively and obtrusively, that can result in a punishment of up to 10,000 Egyptian pounds.
Many tourists get off the coaches and moments later they carry in their hands a papyrus paper, pharaoh figure or find themselves on the back of a camel again. The Egyptian law is trying to keep tourism numbers up.
The law also offers a great opportunity for traders to optimize their livelihood. Many Europeans have the opportunity to leave the hotels without fear and to dare the markets and bazaars. This would benefit the tourists and the Egyptian economy. The Egyptians are very hospitable and it would do the Egyptian economy very well, if more tourists enter the country and get to know the beautiful cultural land.
The Egyptian security agencies provide the highest level of security for the tourists. With 18 trips in this country I assure the tourists that you can move safely and freely in this country.
If you have not been to Egypt yet, I recommend Hurghada first. A variety of hotels is at your disposal.
I tested several hotels and came to the conclusion that the Steigenberger Aqua Magic is a great family hotel. If you prefer it quieter, the Steigenberger al Dau is also available.
German travel agencies offer optimal accommodation for every traveler. But it is also important to know that it is not wrong if you look at rating portals.
But in principle, the principle applies: Being there is everything, the main thing: sun, fun and relaxation!
Egypt just deserves to be visited. Egypt is a nice and safe holiday destination.
But in principle, the principle applies: Being there is everything, the main thing: sun, fun and relaxation!
Egypt just deserves to be visited. Egypt is a nice and safe holiday destination.
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